Friday, November 20, 2009

An Exciting Day

Yesterday, my mom talked to me about my grandma's birthday which was at the 18th of November but the celebration was at the 21st of November. She told me that we can make cookies, cakes and Black Forest(a type of cake). I was very excited when my mom told me that because I like cooking. Well I think it's not just 'like' cooking but it's 'luv...' cooking. :D I love to make Banana Split(s) the most because they are so... delicious. Talking about Banana Splits, I have a very easy and boring or maybe too easy and too boring riddle for you. This is the riddle:
What do you say when you saw a knife and a banana? (think of the answer yourself first before you read the answer)

Answer: Banana split( I'd actually already gave you the answer)

P.S Please don't talk about food anymore for I'm really hungry!

Me and My Day

Today I am happy because I had lots of fun in school with my friends like we ran around the MPH in our school(SLI) while pulling each other with small hoops. After we had a lesson in school me and my friend Andrea were running downstairs while screaming hysterically because it was so dark like the Halloween party at our school(well it's mostly just for 'Upper Grades')and it was so... creepy!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Rainy but Fun Day

Today was starting with a happy and sunny time. But when it reaches the evening, it started to rain. I'll tell you that since the morning at 10 o'clock(the time that I finished praying in church), I was staying at my grandparents house and all that I hear from my brothers(Ceko and Miko)are sounds of TV, they playing with water and they eating Fried Rice. Well, I don't really care about them doing all those things because I was doing a homework that I taught it was boring at first but it turned out very fun. To encourage me and make me wake up, I started to turn on very loud music that I like.

P.S. The singing group that I love is Queen and my favorite song that they sung is..... EVERYTHING!!!