Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spot the difference 1 (Animals!)

Spot The Difference!
Real Image!
Good Luck! Only 7 things to find!

Unhelpful Clue: They're EVERYWHERE!
Helpful Clue (kindda): I mostly only resize them and "blur" them... :)

Btw, an embarassing truth 4 me is ... , that once I save them as a "JPEG" file, I can't find the animals anymore! :(

P.S. I wish my grandpa a happy birthday and good luck on your studies! I hope you'll have a happy and healthy and long life! I love you! GBU! :) <3>

(Intermediate)-I won't say advanced...
If you were thinking that I was gonna say "I won't say ... I'M IN LOVE <3", you've got that wrong! JK... I was also about to type that... :D :) :P :D :) :P

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