Monday, December 21, 2009

Come to this Joke Corner!

Feeling sad, gloomy and miserable today and you think like the sun is never going out. You're lucky cause I posted up some jokes that you might like. Here are some of the jokes:
1.Where did Taylor Swift get her first name?
Her dad was a taylor.
2. Why did the robbers steal the baseball plate?
Because it was the biggest diamond in the world.
3. What do cranes(machine)eat?
4. Why did the bee kiss the flour?
Because it was as sweet as a flower.
5. What note does a cow sing in?
6.What did the cowboy saw when he fell off the horse?
An all star show.
7. What is the smartest food in history?
8. What does North(girl)say when she saw South(boy)? *Clue: They are both the poles on magnets.
You attract me.
9. What is the main part of the horse?
The main(mane).
10. What does an inventor say when his robot dies?
Rust in Pieces(R.I.P).
11.What star is every mermaid born on?
I think that is it for today and thank you for reading some of my jokes. Hope I cheered you up! But sorry if I didn't! =P
P.S. Some of my jokes I got it from the book 'RIDDLES'. =D

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