Monday, December 14, 2009

My 1st greatest, most embarrasing and exciting experience

At the 5th December of 2009, I had to do an embarrassing play that I didn't know that it will be that embarrassing called"Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat"(I know it's quite a long title). This play is about what happened to Joseph at his lifetime. We had a great time doing everything. The song Portiphar is one of my favorite songs because it is quite funny (well, truthfully I didn't dance at this song). There is also this song that I didn't really like the title is "Stone the Crows" . "Stone the Crows" is telling us about when Pharaoh made Joseph the 2nd most important man in Egypt. I didn't really like what we had to do. That was the day that I got my 1st greatest, most embarrassing and exciting experience.

P.S Well, actually I wasn't nervous at my first play and I kinda like it! =D

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