Sunday, March 21, 2010

An Unforgettable Holiday

Ok. Telling you this story now might be too late but I'm just going to tell you no matter what. So the story begins in a beautiful evening in a beach in Manado.

My family and I are having a holiday in Manado. Well actually let me tell you how we got there. First we went to Genting, Kuala Lumpur (KL). It was very cold there but we enjoyed it. After about 4 days staying in Genting, we traveled to Kuala Lumpur(the capital city of Malaysia )and there we visited the 'KL Bird Park' and so on... Then after all that we went to Manado. Pretty long right???

We stayed in Manado for 3 days. In the 1st day, we arrived at night and slept in one of my grandmothers' house. This grandmother is my grandfathers' sister. In the 2nd day, we went to a place for praying called 'Bukit Doa'. There we saw a beautiful view of a mountain and we were standing on a field of yellow tiny flowers. It was so peaceful... (for me, it was a really beautiful gift for my birthday seeing such a wonderful view because in that day, it was my birthday*). At the evening, we went to the beach and had lots of fun and we didn't need to pay because no body owns that beach. We all had a great time especially me because I went 'Hermit Crab Hunting' and 'Sea Shell Collecting'! In the last day, we packed very fast, said goodbye to my grandmother (my grandfathers' sister) and also the dog that she have, and left feeling very happy for having such a wonderful holiday. And that's the end of my Unforgettable Holiday... :D

*My birthday is July 15 and I won't say the year. And for those who know me DON'T even dare to write a comment telling everyone about the year I was born!!! Please don't take it so... seriously! But please don't tell. Ok? I just don't like it. :P

P.S. The pictures will be coming in another post ok? Don't worry I promise...

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